QAD is redefining the evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning. Join us on March 21st to take a deep dive into QAD ERP O³ - the next milestone release of our ERP.
Ignore Them at Your Own Peril.
The Industrial Transformation Platform is not a line item on a price list or a piece of software or service. It's the way QAD helps you change with change by optimizing people, processes and systems. Join us for an informative webinar and learn how to move from where you are today toward becoming an Adaptive Enterprise.
Customer Spotlight:
"You never think that you're going to be in a building that gets hit by a tornado." Learn how the second-largest Body-in-White and vehicle-frame supplier in North America restored operations in just 36 hours after suffering a direct hit from an EF-3 tornado, with help from the QAD Cloud.
Is Your Supply Chain
Wearing a Disguise?
Supply chain, import and procurement professionals are facing increasing supplier risks, making it more critical than ever for companies to ensure UFLPA compliance. The right supporting technology not only helps you meet key supply chain and trade requirements, it also offers a scope for competitive advantage.


Landen waar oplossingen van QAD worden gebruikt

> 4.000

Gemiddeld aantal dagen per jaar dat QAD heeft geïnvesteerd in het klantenondersteunings programma

$ 11,4 biljoen

Door QAD-klanten gegenereerde jaaromzet

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Tijd voor een gesprek.

Ik ben geïnteresseerd in QAD Adaptive Applications.

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